Helping People Through the Power of Data

In these trying times we are poised to deliver the data you need for the critical task at hand. Marketing Systems Group is always on call.

Never was timing more important than last weekend. As the COVID-19 virus was spreading through California, we received a call from the Stockton Economic Empowerment Demonstration. They had an urgent need to reach those most impacted by the virus: high risk people in need of critical services and food delivery.

Could we help? You bet.

We first mapped the city of Stockton by census block and using our listed landline and consumer cellular database, targeted records that had the presence of ages 65 and over. Each record had full address and phone number which allowed for phone and text messaging. We delivered the files to the client on the same day, enabling the mayor’s office and the Reinvent Stockton Foundation to begin their outreach over the weekend.

Time was of the essence to deliver these essential services. Kudos to the California mayor’s office and the Reinvent Stockton Foundation for their kind efforts during this pandemic.

Marketing Systems Group has the technology, know-how, and data to deliver lightning fast turnaround.

There is no time to waste. We’re all in this together. We are here to help.

New Census ACS Data now Available. How Can MSG Help You Easily Gain Access to the Data?

New 5 Year American Community Survey Estimates Now Available

In mid-December, 2019, the U.S. Census bureau announced the availability of their 2014-2018 5-Year estimates, giving researchers cause to rejoice.  American Community Survey (ACS) is a heavily-used, “go-to” source for current social, economic, housing, and demographic information in the United States. The new 5-Year estimates are available for all geographic areas, reaching down to block-group level and include comparison profiles, subject tables, and narrative profiles. Continue reading “New Census ACS Data now Available. How Can MSG Help You Easily Gain Access to the Data?”