Using this software? Your data is NOT secure!

Almost every week I hear in the news about another data compromise, whether it be a large corporation having their customers credit cards and personal information stolen or even computer hacks rumored to be effecting the election. Personally, it is very scary thinking about myself and my family’s data getting into the wrong hands.

If I was managing a large database of panelists or other sensitive data which my business relies on, I am not sure I would sleep well at night knowing that there may be many different potential access points for this information to be exposed or accessed by someone else.

I was speaking with one of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies recently and was told that the use of “brand x” survey platform has been 100% forbidden to use moving forward with the potential of losing a job if you are caught using this off the shelf tool. Continue reading “Using this software? Your data is NOT secure!”

Sports Adventure in the UK

It’s been my dream for quite a while to visit the UK.  I’ve been following tennis since I was a kid, as well as Premiere League soccer the past six years.  I finally decided to bite the bullet and take a solo trip to London last week.

I took the red-eye out of philly and landed at Heathrow airport 7:30am.  The first day was spent sight-seeing and catching up on some sleep, since the passenger next to me decided to use me as a shoulder rest the entire flight. Continue reading “Sports Adventure in the UK”